The Virtual Museum

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By using our website, you consent to the privacy policy. We take the protection of your privacy seriously. In the following, we show you how we use your personal data, use cookies and safeguard the security of your data. We gather and process your personal data carefully and exclusively for the purposes described in this privacy policy and only to the extent. We store your personal data exclusively to the extent and for the duration necessary to provide our services. In close cooperation with our hosting providers, we make every effort to ensure that databases are protected from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, and falsification.
Your rights
You have the right to request information at any time whether and which personal data has been stored about you by the Virtual Museum. In addition, you have the right to object to the processing of your data, to correct false data and to limit the processing of or to delete your personal data. You can also exercise your right to data portability. Should you believe that your data has been processed unlawfully, you can submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority. If you would like to submit an objection, or if you wish to have your personal data corrected, blocked, deleted or to be given information on the data stored about you, or if you have any questions regarding the collection, processing, or use of your personal data, or if you wish to revoke your consent, please send your request by using the contact form.
Third parties
Your personal data is neither transferred nor sold or otherwise transmitted to third parties in any form, unless you have expressly consented to this (e.g., if you use a third party login like google or Facebook to sign in to the Virtual Museum). We don’t use any user analytics or user tracking tools. We use the following third parties for the Virtual Museum.
Firebase Firestore Database
Firebase Authentification
Firebase Cloud Functions
Google Cloud Storage
Google Compute Engine Dolby Voice
Photon PUN
Unity Cloud Diagnostics
Google Analytics
Word Press
We typically use cookies and other similar techniques which can identify your browser or your device. A cookie is a small file which is sent to your computer or stored automatically on your computer or mobile device by your web browser when you visit our website. If you visit this website again, we can then recognize you, even if we do not know who you are. In addition to cookies which are only used for one session and are deleted after your visit to the website (“session cookies”), permanent cookies can also be used to save your user settings and other information for a specific duration of time (e.g., two years). Most browsers are pre-set to accept cookies.
Please be aware that the Virtual Museum website may contain links to other sites operated by third parties, over which we have no control. Once you leave the Virtual Museum website, our Privacy Policy will not apply, and you access such sites at your own risk.
Secure data transmission
As transfer encryption we offer HTTPS with Perfect Forward Secrecy and the current TLS 1.2 encryption protocol for our website. We recommend that you keep your internet browser up to date so that your data can be transmitted securely.
We may amend this privacy policy without prior notice at any time. The version published on our website is the version currently applicable.
Status per November 2021
